A small attempt to pen those precious moments that seem to go by all too quickly. Things that would easily be forgotten.....may they always be remembered....here's hoping this site never crashes. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lil' Campers

CT coming down the slide.
CT and KG playing in the pool.
CT watching the BIG kids play basketball.
Future baller on our hands! Watch out LeBron James!! ha! ha!
KG went from one person to the next. Whoever had a popsicle she was their NEW best friend! Of course they wouldn't tell her no. Hopefully she didn't pick up any germs along the way!

This week has been Jr. High camp. Then we are FREE!!! :) For awhile anyway. Summer is coming to an end. It has been fun though. We have been driving back and forth to this camp because it is so close. There is a pool there with a SUPER FUN slide, and kids willing to take CT up and down it over and over and over again. He actually just needed help getting to the top. The steps were quite slick. He was ALL about coming down on his tummy like Super Man. KG also enjoyed it, but Mommy and Katie got tired, so she didn't get to go quite as much as CT. She kept saying, "Slide, MY turn."
CT funny: On our way into lunch CT was not in the best mood. So T asked him what was wrong and he said, "I'm tired of all these KIDS." ha ha!! His daddy is in the wrong profession for that attitude. :)

The Snarkler

CT has a new fascination with learning to breath underwater. He thinks it is so cool! So I hooked him up with this mask and snarkle as he calls it. He figured it out in the bath tub and couldn't wait to get in the pool with it. He cracks me up!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lions and Bunny Rabbits.....

Funny story from Falls Creek...... Daddy sat down at the table with a bowl of salad and CT immediately thought it was for him. So he proceeded to tell his daddy that he DID NOT like salad. So another friend of ours said, "Well, bunny rabbits like salad. Do you like bunny rabbits?" CT looked at him and said, " I don't like bunny rabbits, I like lions, and lions eat bunny rabbits!" :)

Basketballs and Ballerinas

KG the little ballerina. Mimi the skirt fits perfectly! Really cute!
CT the basketball player. Even though we have a football jersey on. :)

Fall's Creek

What are you looking at?
CT played cards all week long......He would ask anyone close if they wanted to play. :)
These kids ate and ate and ate. We had WONDERFUL cooks!!!
CT and Daddy playing a mean game of matching.
This is how I got CT to take a shower. He did not like the water getting in his eyes. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


While staying at Nana and Papa's the other night the kids were "helping" Nana fold some towels. It soon turned into them playing Superman! They were having so much fun. I guess it goes to show that real toys aren't always the best toys! :) We are at Falls Creek this week so I will have more pictures to add when we get home. CT has had many funny things to say! KG is enjoying all the snacking that is going on. :) At least there are grapes to offer her and she is happy! FYI- that's not me in that nasty OSU orange shirt. :) That is one of our students that came with me to OKC to go to a wedding.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Fun Friends!

Old friends are a blessing, and fun to get to see!! We got to go and hang out with some friends of ours that use to live in PC with us. They have since moved from there also. Ti'ley was born 2 days before CT. All the kids enjoyed playing together, and had a great time. CT was not ready to leave. When I put them in the car to go home both of them fell asleep before I left their house. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

Hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July!! We had a GREAT time. We were able to spend the whole day at the Whitham's with their family. It was a lof of fun. They swam ALL day long. We had to pull CT out of the pool. There were plenty of little ones for CT and KG to play with. CT became big buddies with Trevor. CT asked him how old he was. He replied I'm 7. CT said oh, I'm free (3). Then later on CT could not remember his name so he asked his mom where brother number 7 was? :) She did not understand at first. I had to interpret for her. CT even spent the night and still was not ready to go home. Some other funny things he said: He asked me if I brought his suitcase (swimsuit), He was looking for his blue gobbles (goggles), and when he picked out a snack from the snack drawer he said,"Look mom I got a rice christmas treat."

As for KG, I think we may have a stripper on our hands. :) She learned how to take her swimsuit off, and was quite happy with nothing on. Then this morning when I went to get her out of her bed she had taken her pajamas off. :) OH dear!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Read at your own discretion! :)

Today we were wearing "backpack" because that's what Dora McXplora (Dora the Explorer) wears. Then CT proceded to take KG to her "classroom" at school. He told her to have fun and that he would see her later. She said Otay!

Last night T was putting CT to bed, and while he was saying his prayers, CT said he was thankful for his "toodle bitch" (tool bench). T was cracking up as he came out of his room. :)