A small attempt to pen those precious moments that seem to go by all too quickly. Things that would easily be forgotten.....may they always be remembered....here's hoping this site never crashes. :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Beautiful Day!!!

CT Funny: Today I was outside water the plants and CT sticks his head out the door and says, "Hey can we come out?" I said go get your shoes on and you can come out here. He was so excited he turned to KG and said, "KG we get to go outside, It is a BEAUTIFUL day!!" It was halirious because he said it with such enthusiasm. :)
CT also went with me to run some errands to day. We stopped in a sports store and I turn around and he has on a baseball batting helmet, glove, and ball. (Thankfully we know the owner) He said, "Look mom, I'm all baseballed up." I was so mad I didn't have my camera. Maybe I will take him back just to get a picture.

Spiderman, pools, and puzzles.......

Not much has been going on here.....Daddy is off at staff retreat so we headed over to Ms. Connie's pool today. CT was SUPER excited because she has a DIVING board. One of his little friends also got to come along. They had a ball jumping off over and over and over again. KG spent her time getting in and out, in and out, in and out of the pool. At least she was doing this by herself on the steps. She wore me out!!
Ummmm.....does anyone have any snacks? :)
CT is also into dress up these days. He LOVES spiderman. He wears this often. He also tries to get KG to dress up. Sometime she obliges, but most of the time she says no. He does not understand why she does not want to dress up. I will have to find him some more costumes.
We worked a puzzle the other day. When I say WE I mean me with them climbing all over me while they ask "Where does this piece go?" We made it though. It lasted long enough to take this picture then it was back into a million pieces in no time.