This past week a college friend of mine was in town, and we went to T-town to see her. We met at Incredible Pizza, and had a GREAT time. The food was good (especially the cinnamon rolls), and the kids had a blast!! Of course we had a hard time getting them to sit down and eat first. They were ready to get to the games.
Mommy and KG getting ready to smoke some people on the go-karts. Of course we won. :)
CT and Brandy getting ready to race.
CT playing a Star Wars game.
Brandy helping KG win some tickets.
KG on the Merry Go Round. That played It's a Small World, and was stuck in our head the rest of the afternoon.
CT bowling his little heart out.
Air Hockey-Uh oh, hang on to
We had a great time. We got enough tickets for some nerds, two suckers, some sports sweat bands, a paper airplane, and some silly glasses. :)