A small attempt to pen those precious moments that seem to go by all too quickly. Things that would easily be forgotten.....may they always be remembered....here's hoping this site never crashes. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Second Blog.

We have started a second blog to be able to journal our journey to Deacon. There is a link to the right of this blog, if you would like to follow along with us. :)

If you are reading this on facebook, you will have to click View Original Post to get to the link.


On the Eastern Journey said...

Hey! I tried to leave a comment on Deacon's new site, but I need you to open the comments up for name/url. Sorry, I don't have a blogger account.

It's so neat to collect all of your thoughts for him in one blog. If you want to print a book, then Blurb would be an easy way to go. In the end, you can always merge his blog with your family blog.

Aimee said...

Muchas Gracias Mi Amigo!! :) The comments are now open. I forgot to even look at that.
I do know about Blurb. It is cool!! I'm trying to get the family blog transfered to a book by years. I am WAY behind. There is a lot of copy and past involved, b/c it does not read blogger. Maybe it does now, I haven't looked at it in awhile. I will be using it. :)