A small attempt to pen those precious moments that seem to go by all too quickly. Things that would easily be forgotten.....may they always be remembered....here's hoping this site never crashes. :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not quite like we had hoped.

January 8, 2008. I again am behind on my blogging. The kids geared up for the National Championship by wearing their OU outfits. They were very excited about the game! We also had our friends Dave, Limba aka Melinda, and Peyton over for a fabulous RIB dinner. Limba cooked the ribs. :) The food and fellowship was fun, but the game was a let down. Although I have to say Florida's quarterback is a stud Christian guy. I am happy for his successes.

KG and CT sporting their OU gear and our OU brownie cake.
Boomer Sooner!

Sometime in the coming years we are hoping to be rooting for the HOGS to be playing. :) Well, I am anyway.


Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Cute Cake~I love seeing picture of CT and KG. One Day.....we will watch the Hogs win a national championship!

kapjones said...

Your cake turned out cute!! Of course so are the little football player and cheerleader!